© Deutsche Jazzunion
The pursuit of diversity in society and, consequently, also in cultural organisations and art endeavours has gained strength throughout the last years. Nonetheless, how to achieve true diversity and what this entails is still widely discussed. This talk will look at different approaches to diversity in jazz organisations in different European countries, present best practice examples and discuss measures to be taken.
Moderation: Bettina Bohle (project manager Gender & Diversity Deutsche Jazzunion)
Assistant to moderator: Karima Kotb, team Deutsche Jazzunion
Aude Chandoné (France), Déléguée générale / Chief delegate GRANDS FORMATS
Ellister van der Molen (Netherlands), musician, board member of the Dutch Musicians Union and the Foundation JazzNL
Katja Lucker (Germany), general manager, Music Board Berlin
© Deutsche Jazzunion e.V.
Deutsche Jazzunion e. V.
Markgrafendamm 24 - Haus 16
10245 Berlin
Deutsche Jazzunion e. V.
Markgrafendamm 24 - Haus 16
10245 Berlin